Patient Partners Selected for Patient AdvisoR Team iN Orthopaedic ReSearch (PARTNORS) Program

PARTNORS Patient Partners Team
PARTNORS Patient Advisor Team

The Patient AdvisoR Team iN Orthopaedic ReSearch (PARTNORS) program’s Administrative Team recently selected twelve patient partners who have a shared experience of living with or taking care of someone with complex knee problems.

Patient partners will use their individual experiences to work with researchers to develop studies that meet patients’ needs. More specifically, the team will:

  1. Define patient-centered research priorities for comparative biologic and artificial knee surgery research for middle aged adults.
  2. Collaborate with researchers to provide patient insight about research activities.
  3. Contribute to a broader dissemination of the research and findings occurring at Missouri Orthopaedic Institute (MOI).

PARTNORS is a program at MOI focused on building infrastructure for more meaningful patient engagement in research by involving and collaborating with patient partners to identify research areas important to them and co-create patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR). The program was partially funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award (EACB-22651).

Check out the PARTNORS web site where you can:

 PARTNORS Team Composite