Dear Colleagues,
It was a pleasure to welcome the health care leadership team from Fort Leonard Wood. Members of our MU Health Care and MU School of Medicine leadership group met with Col. Stacey Amos and visitors to show showcase our teams and our technology.
Col. Amos is the commander of the General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. She is a medical-surgical nurse by training and has had a series of impressive leadership positions in the Army around the world. She was accompanied by U.S. Army Col. Jimmie Foster, deputy commander for nursing and hospital services and a CRNA by training; and U.S. Army Lt. Col. Jerry Seiler, MD, deputy commander for clinical services and a family physician; and Shawn Matherly, RN, chief of referral management/managed care services. The meeting was arranged by Jim McKillop, a provider network manager for Health Net Federal Services, which handles referrals from the military to our health system.

At the meeting, we discussed not only how we can continue to handle referrals from Fort Leonard Wood for medical care, but they also wanted to learn about our training programs we have for our workforce. Both our organizations have the responsibility of keeping our workforce up to date in clinical skills. We were able to discuss our various training programs we have for nurses and other providers at the MU Health Care Learning Center.
After the discussions, we toured the Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health building with Dr. Dave Arnold, executive director. The group was very impressed with the Siemens 7T MRI scanner, which has been operational for almost a year and a half. We explained that patients they refer with musculoskeletal or brain problems might get their MRI scans done through this amazing piece of technology, which can visualize joints and the brain in ways we could not have imagined until recently.

As a retired Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Air Force, it is always a treat to welcome active duty service men and women to our campus to not only show them what extraordinary facilities we have at MU Health Care and the MU School of Medicine, but also to find ways that we can work together to improve and save lives of all Missourians — including active duty military and their families who are stationed in Missouri!
Richard Barohn, MD
Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
University of Missouri